Analytics Tracking & Measuring

When you invest money in every click, the basic principle is simple – if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it, and chances are, you’re not making the most of your resources.

At Evil Twin we’re big believers in tracking and measuring everything we do. As a matter of fact, we don’t move an inch before we get all our Google Analytics ducks in a row, using clear methods and best practices that allow us to truly understand your conversion mechanism. We define goals, track user behavior, and measure results to recognize patterns and constantly improve your marketing efforts.

A lot of people who own a website or blog don’t know how to use analytics. Analytics measuring is the process of collecting and analyzing data about your website, blog, app, social media profiles, and more. It can be not very clear for beginners to understand what this means and why they should care. Below, we will discuss some basic things that you need to know about analytics so you can start tracking your website’s activity! You can monitor the progress of your website through different analytic tools-this helps you understand how to get more traffic on your site so that it can generate business.

Analytics tracking is extremely important because if done right, they give us feedback that tells us where our audience is coming from (what countries are most visitors from), when exactly are they visiting/converting, what devices they are using, and many more factors that inform us of how we can improve our website.

Google Analytics is a common, free tool that allows you to measure performance and track lots of useful information about how people are using your website or blog. You can see which pages are being viewed most often and by whom. It will also show what time visitors tend to visit the most and whether they stay for longer periods during certain days/weeks/months than others.

When someone first starts using an analytic tool, it is best to define goals so as to track everything to learn how things work. The more specific your goals for what you’re looking at (i.e. the number of leads), the better idea you’ll have about whether or not you’re doing well and if there’s room for improvement.

How do I set up a Google Analytics account?

You need to have a Gmail account for this to work properly. First, go to google analytics. Then click on the button that says “begin setup”. After that, you will be asked which website(s) you want to track, so choose those carefully as it may take a while before any data is collected from them. Once done, hit the finish and wait until all of the tracking code works its magic!

Why use this tool:

1. You can see how much time people spend on your site, where they come from (where most visitors originate), and more! This information tells you about what kinds of content keep readers engaged. You’ll be able to tell if certain topics or types of writing are popular among visitors.
2. Another thing that understanding an Analytics Track will show you is where users go after landing on your page. If someone visits one article but then clicks through to another part of your blog – chances are they were following something important in there somewhere! This allows you to figure out which parts of your website are most valuable and what people go to after reading something.
3. You can also track the demographics of your audience: age, gender, interests – all of these things help you figure out who is visiting and how they find your site. Knowing this information will allow you to target ads more effectively. Also, knowing where users come from (country) can help decide whether or not it makes sense to advertise in certain places/markets if that’s a possibility for growing your blog.

Which website KPIS should startups track on Google Analytics?

To understand how many people are visiting when, where they’re coming from, and what their interests are:
1. Number of visitors per month/year
2. Time spent on the site
3. Devices being used to access your site (mobile vs desktop)
4. Geographical location of users.
5. User behavior

How does Tracking and Measuring the website’s performance help increase conversions?

Google Analytics helps you see which posts or pages are the most popular and as a result, it gives you a better idea of what your audience wants.
It also helps you ensure that your message is being communicated properly and let you know where people get confused about navigation or products.

How often should you track the performance of your website?

-Every week/month.
-Tracking your website’s performance isn’t something that has to happen every day, but try and do it at least once a month.

Why is tracking the conversion rate so difficult for many businesses? What can they do about this problem? Why is tracking your client’s user behavior challenging? – There may be several reasons why measuring conversions might become difficult: lack of analytics tools or knowledge on how to use them, not knowing what needs to get measured, or even if anything needs improvement at all. One way around these difficulties is to look at your analytics with a critical eye. People usually have some idea of what they want to see when they’re looking at their numbers, so if it seems that something isn’t working, then consider making changes.

Tracking & measurement

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