Email marketing metrics you need to pay attention to

  • Dani Shaked

5 Email marketing metrics you need to pay attention to

  1. CTR – Click-through rates can give you a good idea of how many subscribers are reading your content and what kind of content they’re looking for, whether it’s a blog post or a product offer. These are the kinds of insights that can help you fine-tune and improve your email marketing operations
  2. Conversion rate – A well-designed marketing email should always include a compelling Call-To-Action, and now is the time to see if your subscribers have taken action. Whether you want people to download a brochure or register for a webinar, your conversion rate will tell you how well you’re accomplishing your objectives.
  3. Bounce rate – Bounced email – brings us back to the important issue of subscriber data cleansing. If you don’t delete any hard-bounce email addresses from your subscriber lists right once, you risk damaging your sender reputation by triggering spam filters.
  4. Engagement – If a recipient engages with your email, you can rest assured that you are on your way to meeting your email marketing objectives.
  5. Device Type – When creating an email campaign, it’s important to evaluate how it looks on mobile devices, both creatively and in terms of content. Because of the flexibility and convenience of mobile devices, recipients are increasingly using them to consume email content. This is why it’s critical to keep your mobile audience in mind when designing marketing emails.
Dani Shaked
About the author
Dani is super passionate about tech, startups, marketing, and making it all work together to move the needle in the right direction.
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